Corona virus update

Dear all,

Following our last update to you all, a lot seems to have happened in a very short space of time, and we hope everyone is following all the advice and keeping safe. We also promised regular updates around the Nationals and other events.

The Bala Massacre & Easter Regatta have been cancelled, and the RYA have announced that they have suspended all RYA organised events until 31st May. In light of this we have taken the decision to cancel the PD open as well.

With regards to the Nationals/ Europeans, we are continuing to plan and work with Penzance and the Scorpions on the assumption the event will be happening. However, we have also agreed June 1st as a key date and will look to make as definitive a decision as we can on continuing/cancelling by that date. Obviously if anything significant happens in the meantime, we can bring that decision forwards. We are conscious people may need to pay the rest of the money owed on holiday lets which is why we felt June 1st was a reasonable date.Any questions, or feedback, please let us know.

Stay safe,

Dave Edge, Chairman